To facilitate collaborations to raise standards, strive for excellence and operate with the ethos of constant and never-ending improvement.
To act as a bridge/link between our Partners and Participating parties in delivering education, from the Service Providers (Schools, Colleges, Teachers etc) or through Peer mentoring Schemes, Skills transfer opportunities to the Service Consumers (Students, Individuals, Corporate Organisations, Government Departments etc)

Who We Are & What We Do
actively developing initiatives to mitigate current developmental issues in the society
YAPIST is PIE’s initiative to contribute positively to the renaissance of Africa! YAP engages young adults outside of Africa, to take interest in understanding the challenges of the continent while IST on another level, forms a support structure for developing nations through the provision of specialist skills from contributors in the international community.
While encouraging global integration and ensuring world peace, families in the diaspora can key into opportunities that can expose their young adults to the culture, language and nuances of the nations of their birth, through mentoring, acquiring new skills, self-discovery and adventure. Reciprocally, YAP encourages the youth to contribute towards improving youth education and growth of small businesses in meaningful ways, with a view to minimise financial immigration due to limited local opportunities . YAP provides support for ongoing undergraduate and post-graduate research work, which directly tackle diverse issues in Africa. With YAP, Educational Tourism has become more vibrant than ever before.
Identified Service Providers (families, organizations, educational establishments) offer a range of support services to the young adult, who, in this case, is the Service Consumer. Our custom search engine will review database of Providers and Consumers, to match both and identify suitable options. The potential Providers and Consumers, who provide their profile on the platform can at the same time carry out their own searches, depending on the type of experience they would like to have.
IST programme shifts the approach to developmental support for developing countries from mass fund donations by the international community to governments of developing nations, to direct specialist skills provision to the grassroots, which is where real change is created. Support is thereby provided directly to the end beneficiaries, with no interface between. IST creates seasoned professionals at the grassroots level in the categories of: Education, Health, Local Government, Agriculture and Engineering.
Partners in Education (PIE) focuses on Personal Excellence and Development Training, as such PIE provides premier quality life changing programmes in various areas of development.
PIE has a number of key programmes. Click here to learn more about the different programmes we engage in.