There are a number of ways you can get involved or offer your support to the essential work we carry out.
1. volunteer as a field worker, thereby visit our project locations in Ipara, Ogun State, Oje Community in Ibadan (Oyo State), Sekona in Osun State and soecific areas of deprivation within the Lagos Island in Nigeria most populous metropolitan city. We need a variety of disciplines from Trainers, to Psychologists, Health and Safety workers, environmental officers etc.
2. Pro-bono Consultant/ SMEs: help us fine tune our operations and expand our activities by supporting internal operation work and building capacities in our core staff or be part of our subject matter experts for.our International Skills Transfer (IST) Outreach.
You may also be intersted in supporting us in M&E (monitoring & evaluation) of our programmes, outcomes or help us find grants and sponsorships
3. Join our board — join us to deliver our objectives at the a management committee level or governing council
4. PIE plant –contribute to our pool of initiatives by being a partner.
5. Feedback or Refer a project: Help us stay focused: by giving us relevant and timely feedback on any part of our initiative to improve our offerings and outputs or nominate a school, organisation, child or group that may benefit from any of our activities
6. Donations/Comments: or simple send us a goodwill message or donations
PIE Initiative Ltd is a 501 (c) (3) non profit.
Complete the form below and indicate any of the areas mentioned above that your interest falls in
Fill the form below to register to Pie2You